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Oral appliances for snoring & obstructive sleep apnea

We're a clinical team on a mission to eliminate symptoms of sleep labored breathing through dentist-supervised, fast, and absurdly affordable oral appliance procurement.

oral appliance
Actual device!
Clinical Information


Our process is designed to be as simple, fast, and convenient as humanly possible.

obstructive sleep apnea prescription

Patient History and Appointment Scheduling

This happens here! Complete a 5-minute survey to help us learn about your sleep habits and schedule your scan.

oral appliance scan

Intraoral Scan and Prescription

A brief 20-minute visit either in the comfort of your home (or at one of our partner dental practices if you prefer).

oral appliance manufacturing lab

Device Customization

A dentist from our clinical team reviews your intraoral scan and tailors your oral appliance before sending it to the manufacturing lab.

oral appliance for OSA

Device Delivery

The best part! You receive your sleeplab oral appliance - time to catch some ZZZs!

We cut out the middlemen and markups by taking our prescription process outside of the dental office and directly to you. 


Oral appliance therapy (OAT) is a proven, highly effective treatment for sleep labored breathing, including snoring and sleep apnea.

Why we're seriously the best option out there.


Price: our patients save ~67% versus local dental offices


No Diagnosis Necessary: we don't make you take an annoying overnight sleep test


Dentist Supervision: each patient's treatment is prescribed by a DDS


Speed and Simplicity: get your device in fewer than 10 days without leaving your home



Our clinical team is on standby!

If you've been experiencing snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, episodes of breathing cessation during sleep, waking up gasping or choking, extreme dry mouth, sore throat or morning headaches, trouble focusing, mood changes, or high blood pressure, you may be exhibiting symptoms of sleep labored breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 

Our mandibular advancement devices are FDA approved for the treatment of both snoring and OSA. Regardless of whether you have completed a sleep test and received an OSA diagnosis, our dentists are able to prescribe our oral appliances as a solution to these symptoms following a brief screening process.

Should you purchase a mandibular advancement device from sleeplab, we encourage you to seek your physician's counsel as oral appliance therapy (OAT) is frequently used alongside other forms of treatment and is not a replacement for physician direction following clinical diagnosis.

Best Value

Core Package | At-Home Oral Scan



Package Includes:
1x - At-home oral scan
1x - FDA approved sleeplab mandibular advancement device (oral appliance)
1x - Morning alignment tray
1x - Extra connectors
1x - Protective case

Valid for one month

In-home intraoral scan completed by a sleeplab provider

100% DDS process oversight and clinical review of oral scan

<10-day turnaround between your scan and device delivery

HSA-qualifying purchase

FREE: AM Alignment trays to prevent joint pain & shifting



“I've never been able to sleep with a CPAP, so finding an affordable way to try a mouthguard was lifesaving.”

Corey P.

Supporting Research

1 / Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring with Oral Appliance Therapy
2 / Effectiveness of Oral Appliances in OSA: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
3 / Long-Term Efficacy of Oral Appliances for OSA


Let's talk!

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1) FDA Clearance & Prescription Requirement
This device is an FDA-cleared Class II medical device available only by prescription. It is intended for use under the supervision of a licensed healthcare provider.

2) Adverse Reactions Warning
Mandibular advancement devices may cause occasional adverse reactions, including jaw discomfort, tooth pain, dry mouth, or bite changes. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider if symptoms persist or worsen.

3) No Clinical Diagnosis of OSA
Sleeplab does not diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This device is prescribed solely for the treatment of snoring or as a provisional therapy to complement a treatment plan established by a diagnosing physician. OSA requires formal clinical evaluation; consult your physician for diagnosis and management.

4) Custom Product Policy
All oral appliances are custom-made to your unique specifications. Due to the personalized nature of the product, no refunds or returns are permitted after fabrication. Ensure your prescription details are accurate prior to order confirmation.

© 2035 by sleeplab.

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